Sunday, October 25, 2015

A Life Not to Follow Movie Download

 A hitman, a gangster and a private detective share an interlacing narrative about common human frailty.

Director: Christopher Di Nunzio
Writers: Pedro Alvarado, Christopher Di Nunzio, 4 more credits .


A Neo-Noir film told in three interlacing chapters: Eric is a dead man and he knows it. Death is imminent and he must make amends for his past sins, by killing those who wronged him, no matter the price: A wiseguy willing to do anything to move up in the world must now make the ultimate sacrifice. He must kill his best friend or in turn be killed: An F.B.I.agent turned P.I. is on the trail of a missing girl. In his long search for her he comes face to face with a host of unsavory characters who will lead him to perdition or salvation.

User Reviews


I had a chance to see A Life Not To Follow at the Gwinnett Center International Film Festival yesterday. I'm a big fan of noir films so I thought I would check it out.

This ended up being a great call on my end. I'm still thinking about this little gem. It's dark, gritty and highly entertaining. The film is told in three different chapters which I thought gave it a very original feel. The story is so engrossing it just flew by for me. It moves really well.

The main actors just did an unbelievable job in this film especially the characters of Luca, Eric and Tobias. I also really love the boss Jimmy and Eric's girlfriend Finola. It was really a solid cast.

I thought the direction was great and so was the writing. As I mentioned above the way this story was told and executed was just great. Also I found the dialogue to be well written. It's kind of hard for me to talk about the film because things keep revealing themselves as they go on. I don't want to give any spoilers.

A Life Not To Follow has really captured the spirit of noir. If you're into crime films, noir films or just want to see something done a little bit different and executed really well I highly recommend you see this film.

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